Chloe Boast-Holder

Customer Service Apprentice

I have always enjoyed going on holiday with my family since I was young, and I have always had an interest in travel. When I left school, I decided to study Travel and Tourism at college, which helped me learn and develop new skills in the industry. Blue Bay has allowed me to take part in a Customer Service role, which I love, helping all customer queries and making their holiday as memorable as possible.

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In a nutshell.

  • Describe yourself in three words: Bubbly, Sociable, Funny!
  • Catchphrase: “Live your best life”.
  • Likes: Going out, my dogs (George and Narla) and holidays.
  • Hidden talent: I am pretty good at gymnastics.
  • Lesser-known fact about you: I did performing arts at school.
  • Best feeling in the world: Walking into the heat off a plane.
  • Favourite snack: Kinder chocolate or pineapple.
  • What type of hat best describes your personality: A tiara because I love to be a perfectionist.
  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why: Teleportation, so I can travel wherever I want, whenever I want.
  • Best holiday you’ve ever had: Tenerife with the girls.