24 Fun Facts About Barbados: An Infographic for Island Lovers

What could be more fun tha checking out a bunch of fun facts about Barbados? How about an eye-catching infographic to boot?!

Did you know that the Pirates of the Caribbean films are loosely based on Barbados’s felonious past?

In fact, two pirates, Sam Lord and Stede Bonnet, are known to have frequented the island regularly. Don’t believe us? Well, why not head out scuba diving or snorkeling around the island and see the numerous shipwrecks. 

In this infographic, we’ll tell you more amazing facts about Barbados. So you can impress your mates, load up on knowledge for your next trip or just expand your island smarts.

For example, want to know whether it’s best to stay on the east or west coast of the island? Or how about learning what the hell Kadooment Day is? Sounds like something out of Alice in Wonderland if you ask me!

So, set your faces to stun, and let’s hear some more about this incredible island.

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24 Incredible Facts About Barbados

Ready to Put Your New Found Knowledge to the Test?

With all those incredible fun facts about Barbados rattling around your noodle, you should be well set to embark on your own island escape and impress every there with how well you know the place. You’ll be out there watching for mongeese and everything! And we can help you get there. 

Click the Banner below to see all out latest Barbados hotel deals and make your way to the island for less! 

Click here to see our range of Barbados hotels

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