Red Nose Day – The Conclusion

Well, thanks to some tremendous generosity we managed to almost double our target and raise an incredible £901.06 for Red Nose Day! So a massive thank you goes out to everyone who kindly donated, everyone involved in the fund raising at Blue Bay Travel, to Leighton for selflessly donating his fantastic sweet hamper for us to raffle off, to Thom and Pete for giving up their hair to the cause and finally to Stuart and Angela who have generously doubled the total that we raised in house! (Gosh, I sound like I’ve won an Oscar…)
Anyway, back to the events… Friday kicked off with everyone at Blue Bay coming to work in our pyjamas, which I must say felt surprisingly right. The evening’s events began with a few nibbles and beverages during which Thom revealed his freshly shaven noggin! Coming to work this morning I did half expect him to have glued all of his hair back on… but hey, all in the name of charity! Leighton also pulled out his party piece and dressed up as a baby!
Our quiz followed, which was organised and hosted by our own Gemma, Naomi, Denise & Nicola. You know how quizzes work… it involved various rounds of trivia and a special round aptly named ‘What’s in the Box?’ where a poor soul from each team had to delve deep into a mystery box and name the squishy item. The lucky winners received a bottle of bubbly each.
We then moved on to waxing poor Pete’s legs and after a bit of pain & face-pulling, we quite rightly ended the evening in the local pub, attempting to numb Pete’s troubles.
All in all we had a great laugh whilst raising loads of cash for a great cause, I’d call that a successful event!
If you’d like to check out our photos from the evening we’ve uploaded them to our Facebook page for all the world to enjoy.
I’ll finish off by announcing the lucky winner of a £100 Love2Shop voucher. Everyone who kindly donated was entered into our prize draw… and the winner is (drumroll please)… Christoper Cooke! Congratulations; your voucher is winging its way to you as I type!
See you all at the next fund raising event!